very special dog whose remarkable aptitudes are still to be fully explored. An
affectionate family dog, it gets on well with children, older people and with
other house pets. Exuberant, gay and very playful it remains with this disposition
well into its senior years. The Portuguese Water Dogs make wonderful dogs with
outstanding aptitudes. They can be trained for many activities such as obedience,
agility, tracking, water work, hospital therapy work, pet therapy work. They can
be trained to search for truffles . And they can be trained for sea rescue.  |
the fist italian PWD with brevet in rescu is zapata
emiliano do lusiadas "zappy" with his dresseur SICS Murizio Basciu. thank's
for photos take by Scuola
Italiana Cani Salvataggio |  |
thank's for photos take by web.site PWDCA ; | |
 |  | thank's
for photos take by web.site PWDCA ; on right is Rhonda do Lusiadas |  |
 |  | thank's
for photos take by web.site PWDCA ; | |  | on
lef t: thank's for photos take by web.site PWDCA ; |
| on left : Connie Millad
and her PWD "Dutch" in actione at the World Trade Center |
do lusiadas kennel by
fabiana bazzani - (florence ) - ITALY mobil
phone 349-5789127 in italian language | e-mail : info@dolusiadas.it